Saturday, December 13, 2008

12 Week Lifestyle Challenge!

With the New Year just around the corner, one might already be thinking about their New Year's Resolution.

I know for a lot of people they want to be healthier in 2009! They may also want to increase their income...looking into new opportunities. Maybe even shed a few pounds or just get back the energy that they used to have when they were younger.

I am here to let you know if you are thinking of any of the above, you are in the right place. I am going to shed some light. =)

I am putting together a team of people who would like to take the 12 week Lifestyle Challenge.

This is about regaining control over your life and not turning back. This program will start up during the beginning weeks of the January.

What is it? What do I need to do?

It is very easy and simple. I find if it is simple, people like to do it and stay on track!

1st: Start by watching this short video that will introduce you to RESET!

2nd: What are you going to do after the RESET?

Transform your body to continue to lose weight and meet your health goals.


Maintain your weight and healthy habits!

3rd: Buddy up with a friend or loved one to help each other to reach your health goals!

4th: Ask me how to get started!

After the 12 week Challenge, you will look and feel better. You'll be a walking billboard for health and other's are going to be asking you how you did it!

I look forward to helping you find the new YOU in 2009!

To Your Health!
Stacy Stehle

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