Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Universe, Our World is Expanding, Are You Up For The Challenge?

Just the other day I was having a conversation with a few people on the economy and jobs.  We all agreed, that there is change taking place right now.  

However, it is the perception of people's views that has everyone running around crazy.  

The way I see it is that people fall into 3 categories.  By no means am I judging any of these people in these categories.  I truly don't think some people know how to move to a place that feels better.  As a society, we tend to gravitate to the negative.

  • You will find people who completely disagree with everything that is going on and the actions that they take are from a place of low energy.  They may feel frustrated, irritated, annoyed even anger.  When you take action from this place, it only creates results that you truly do not want.  You may feel like you are spinning your wheels, you are stuck in a place and you don't know how to get out of it.  You can't see the light. 

  • Then you will find those people who again, completely disagree with everything that is going on BUT their only action is to complain even more about it.  

  • My last category are those people that notice change is happening but decide to look at it in a new light, a new expansion, a different view point.  When you can be open to the change, to the contrast to the challenge, you are actually allowing yourself to connect with those ideas that can help to move you forward.

The conversation turned into how many people are losing their jobs and business is getting pushed out to overseas in the United States.  As I listened to this conversation, this wonderful thought and idea came to me.

I will admit it, I am the person who will most likely look at a "challenge" or area of "contrast" and just know that something bigger and better wants to be born from this.  It certainly may not seem like it at the time, but I know, in my heart that something better will come from this.  

This viewpoint of mine is something that I have learned.  I honestly can say, years ago I would have been placed in the middle category.  One who completely disagreed with everything but only complained about it. 

So, there is hope!  I am proof! =)

So, my wonderful thought that came to me and what I shared in the conversation was, "What if, this is our expansion.  Yes jobs are ending, business is being moved, but, what if, this is our wake up call to do what we truly LOVE."  

There are two ways that you can look at these situations:  You can complain about it, be angry with it.....which will only in return keep you feeling miserable and this will not allow you to tap into any new solutions or ideas.  Because you are feeling so low, you will not get anywhere.  You will feel stuck.


You can say, OK, what is this telling m?.  What am I to learn from this?  In fact, you might want to CELEBRATE because the job that you are losing was probably one that you complained about any way right?

This expansion that we are going through is to open you up to love and creation and to do the things that you truly love and want to do.  That is what we are here to do.  That is your soul's purpose.  

Why live life in a box, feeling depressed, unhappy, unloved when you can experience pure joy and pure bliss each and every day.

So, I am asking you, what is your outlook of your life, your world?  Are you ready to take charge of your life and start living it to it's fullest?  

The best part is that you don't have to wait to make the change.  Your change can start today.  Start today to do the things that you LOVE to do. 

Share with us how you are doing the things that you love to do.  If you don't know how to do them, let us know.  We can brainstorm and get the energy moving!

Here is to doing what you LOVE to do,

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Are you trying to balance being a stay at home parent with a home business?

I have to say that I have the best job and I really do love it.  I am a full time stay at home mom but I also am running a business, actually two.  One is healthy coaching and the other is business consulting in the health & wellness industry.

I get to be home with my son during the day and then be home for the family in the evening.  My business falls in between all of this.  During my son's nap time and then during the evenings when my husband is home.

However, I found myself very challenged by this week.  Trying to balance my time with my son, who just turned 2 and trying to keep momentum in my businesses so that I can keep up with them and keep them productive.  I found myself getting kind of frustrated.  I felt like time wasn't on my side.

Do you find that is how you are?  Juggling so many things at once that you may feel a bit overwhelmed or frustrated?  Do you feel off balanced?

So, I spend some time yesterday just thinking about how I can be more productive?  How can I continue to provide my son with great enrichment and learning but also feel that I am being productive in my business and still having time for myself?

Then it came to me.  I got some great insight in the form of thoughts!

  • Setting business hours - Do you set your own business hours?  I did and then it turned into doing it whenever it was convenient.  From last week, I found out that this way isn't very productive.  I am not able to give my full attention to my son or my full attention to my business.

  • Using my office - Do you have a home office?  Do you use it?  I have one, but I don't use it! =)  I am guilty of keeping my laptop in the kitchen, which has become my new office.  What I have found out this week is that it really doesn't serve me to mix your business time with my parenting time.  I found that I put half of my focus on each and it really made my day worse.  Not to mention the tugs and pulls from my son wanting me to play with him. =)

  • Taking time for myself - Do you ever do something that you enjoy?  Maybe its a bath or a walk or relaxation outside?  I do however, take time for myself but last week I did slack in this area.  You might be thinking, "How can I take time for myself when I have to take time for everyone else?  Who is going to get it done?  You know, the laundry the dishes?"
    • You know what, you don't have to do it all!  I tell my clients this all the time.  You are the most important person in this world and if you aren't making yourself happy once in the day then no one around you will be happy!  Even if it is for 10 mins, take time out for yourself!

    This week I will be implementing these 3 steps!  I hope that you do the same.  What I do know, and am reminded of this often, if you are doing something that is making your frustrated, overwhelmed, annoyed, etc. then what is making you feel this way will not be going the way you truly want it to go.

    Take some time to really enjoy and have fun with what you are doing.  If you aren't, it is time to step away from it and don't come back until you are ready to enjoy it!

    I look forward to hearing from you on how this process helped!