Thursday, September 30, 2010

How to Reset your Vibration Instantly!

Many of you know that I am a big fan of Universal Principles.  Especially the Law of Attraction.  For myself, I always knew there was a better, easier way of doing things then from a place of feeling irritated, scared or frightened to make things happen.

Once I found out about the Law of Attraction, I was so excited.  I knew that it you just couldn't sit around on your thinking about how things were going to change......that would make that change.  The secret is to get really clear about what you want, be in the feeling of it and taking inspired action to make it happen.

The other great thing that I have learned is that you will always be lead to the right place, you just need to be open to it.  This all happens by being in the vibes of what you want to attract.

A few weeks ago I was watching this video with Lilou Mace and Michael Losier on how you can Reset your Vibration.

I just love this because I help people RESET their health!  What a great combination!  I hope you enjoy this fantastic video full of some amazing content that you can use NOW!

Image: Francesco Marino /

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