Monday, August 30, 2010

What an amazing 4 Days!

I am still basking in the energy of the USANA International Convention.  What an amazing 4 days I had along with my husband.

The part that I loved the most was connecting with my Social Media buddies!  I have been on social media for a few years and have made some amazing great connections with people.  My first stop on our trip was of course to visit the Social Media Department.

I first ran into Lisa, who is amazing and then Tim showed up.  Those two do an amazing job!  To be in there presence was remarkable!  Here is a picture of all of us!  I also received an amazing Social Media Gift pays to connect on Social Media.  Thank you!

Even as I am writing this I am so amazed by how a friendship can develop through social media.  

I also ran into a few other awesome social media buddies Joe Katchka, Jacob Palmer and Allan Fiji.  I highly suggest following them!  They ROCK!  There were many more that I didn't get change to run into but I know that I can still connect with them online!

That following day they had the USANAFest, which was a great time...line dancing =) and listening to some awesome music!  There is aways great fun when you are in the company of The Free Radicals, Dr. Denis Waitley, Dave Wentz and David Osmond!

The next 3 days were full of amazing speakers, teachers, content and announcements!  To be in the energy of the "Best Live Event in America" is truly amazing.  The theme was Breaking Through and being there I knew that I was ready to Break Through and walk away from any fear, worries or doubt that may try to creep back into our lives ever so often.  

There were some amazing and inspirational speakers that took the stage and the one I always love hearing from is Dr. Myron Wentz.  What an amazing, talented, giving person.  I also love the skits they do...if you aren't having fun then what are you doing?

Thank you USANA for all that you do!  I feel so blessed to be a part of such an amazing company!

I had such an amazing, incredible time!  The excited and enthusiasm is still with me and I have bottled it up to keep me going throughout the year.  One thing that I have learned and implemented from this event was action steps.  I came to such an amazing place to learn and grow as a person but also to learn and grow my business but it won't do me any good if I don't implement what I had learned.  

For most people, they go to events and leave......never setting any action steps into place.  This year before I left, I think it was around the 3rd day...I had a plan!  I knew what I wanted to do and how I am going to do it!  Plus I have my accountability partner helping me every step of the way along with a strong team!  

With that said, I am ready to celebrate many break throughs this year!  How about you?  Are you ready to Break Through?


Tim Haran said...

Hi Stacy!
Great post, as usual. We're glad you had such an awesome time at Convention. I know you're going to break through this year! Can't wait to see you and Michael again soon.

We'll be in touch on Facebook and Twitter :)


Stacy Stehle said...

Thanks Tim! =) Glad you liked it! It was great seeing you again! Hopefully we can see ya in Anaheim! I always look forward to updates from you on social media!
