Monday, August 30, 2010

What an amazing 4 Days!

I am still basking in the energy of the USANA International Convention.  What an amazing 4 days I had along with my husband.

The part that I loved the most was connecting with my Social Media buddies!  I have been on social media for a few years and have made some amazing great connections with people.  My first stop on our trip was of course to visit the Social Media Department.

I first ran into Lisa, who is amazing and then Tim showed up.  Those two do an amazing job!  To be in there presence was remarkable!  Here is a picture of all of us!  I also received an amazing Social Media Gift pays to connect on Social Media.  Thank you!

Even as I am writing this I am so amazed by how a friendship can develop through social media.  

I also ran into a few other awesome social media buddies Joe Katchka, Jacob Palmer and Allan Fiji.  I highly suggest following them!  They ROCK!  There were many more that I didn't get change to run into but I know that I can still connect with them online!

That following day they had the USANAFest, which was a great time...line dancing =) and listening to some awesome music!  There is aways great fun when you are in the company of The Free Radicals, Dr. Denis Waitley, Dave Wentz and David Osmond!

The next 3 days were full of amazing speakers, teachers, content and announcements!  To be in the energy of the "Best Live Event in America" is truly amazing.  The theme was Breaking Through and being there I knew that I was ready to Break Through and walk away from any fear, worries or doubt that may try to creep back into our lives ever so often.  

There were some amazing and inspirational speakers that took the stage and the one I always love hearing from is Dr. Myron Wentz.  What an amazing, talented, giving person.  I also love the skits they do...if you aren't having fun then what are you doing?

Thank you USANA for all that you do!  I feel so blessed to be a part of such an amazing company!

I had such an amazing, incredible time!  The excited and enthusiasm is still with me and I have bottled it up to keep me going throughout the year.  One thing that I have learned and implemented from this event was action steps.  I came to such an amazing place to learn and grow as a person but also to learn and grow my business but it won't do me any good if I don't implement what I had learned.  

For most people, they go to events and leave......never setting any action steps into place.  This year before I left, I think it was around the 3rd day...I had a plan!  I knew what I wanted to do and how I am going to do it!  Plus I have my accountability partner helping me every step of the way along with a strong team!  

With that said, I am ready to celebrate many break throughs this year!  How about you?  Are you ready to Break Through?

Friday, August 20, 2010

Do you have an accountability partner for your business?

An accountability partner is exactly how it sounds, a partner to hold you accountable.  They are ideal to have if you are starting a business, feeling stuck or you want to take your business to the next level.

Sometimes we just need that extra push to move us forward.  I know I do.  Especially when it comes to working from home.  I can get caught up with housework, my son, dishes (not that I want too!) but other things seem to take over, and business can sometimes get pushed to the side.

About a month ago, I was approached by a good friend.  She asked me if I would like to be an accountability partner to her.  I have to back up a bit, that be exact, a friend on Facebook was talking about how she has an accountability partner and it really was helping her.  I thought to myself, what a great idea.  I would love to have one!

So, I asked, felt very good about it and the Universe delivered, in the way of my friend.  When she asked me, I of course said, "YES!"

We talk Monday, Wednesday & Friday in the morning so that we can set our days up for success by sharing goals and progress.  We have been doing this for a month now and it really has been working wonderfully.

What I love about having my partner is that when I feel stuck on something, we can talk it out.  I may have been only looking at the situation one way and she has been able to help me by giving me some different view points.

The other thing that has really worked so well is that we know that we are going to be talking to each other so we KNOW that we need to do something!  Our mind is on business but we are having a lot of fun with this and things don't seem so "hard" anymore.
I highly suggest and recommend getting yourself an accountability partner to help you grow and build your successful business!

*I would love to hear from you by leaving a comment below!  Let me know your accountability is helping you or not helping you! 

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Are you breaking through?

This year has been an incredible year so far!  Not only for myself but for the whole world.  I think that in so many areas we (as human beings) have realized that we need to start doing things to move us to feeling better, living better and appreciating each other and our planet. 

It really has been about Breaking Through (the theme for the USANA International Convention - which is only 11 days away today!)

For myself, this has been a powerful year of self-discovery.  I am finally opening myself up to who I truly am and embracing that power.  I have to be quite honest with you, I allowed others to live my life, by making decisions based on what would make other people happy.  

This has been a big break through for me and in doing that I have realized that I have had a lot of beliefs holding me back from really becoming what I have wanted, who I truly am.  Through this uncovering of beliefs that no longer serve me, I have been able to change them into something that feels good, that is me, that is what I believe now!  In doing that, I have unlocked many doors of possibility to myself.

I want to ask you, "Are you breaking through?"  If you are, I want to congratulate you!  Whoohoo!  I would love to hear about it too.  

If your not, maybe your reading this because you are looking for your break through.  If you are looking, you don't have to look very far because it is inside of you.  You are the break through!  You are the only person that can hold you back from this by keeping you in a place of lack, worry, frustration, anger, whatever place that is for you.  


You can choose to break through to your true potential, living the life that you know that you want, doing the things that excite you and bring you joy.  It's out there....waiting for you!  

All you have to do is make the decision today, draw the line in the sand, that Today is the Day for your break through and open your heart to yourself.  

Ask yourself, "What is it that is holding me back from doing what I truly want to do?"  

When you can on cover that ask "WHY".  

Really get to the heart of the challenge.  Then you will need to make a change.  Once you can make that change I am certain you will be making your break through.  

Please share by writing a comment below!  I would love to hear your break through so far this year and help CELEBRATE them with you.  I would also like to hear if your looking for it so we all can help support you!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

How Important is it to FEEL Your Way To What You Want?

I have been reading the book Money, and the Law of Attraction by Esther & Jerry Hicks.  I got introduced to the Law of Attraction when the movie The Secret came out and not long after that, I was introduced to Abraham-Hicks from a friend.  I have to say, since then my world has completely changed.

In the back of the book they have a CD.  I decided to listen to it because I have the day to myself.  Wednesday is the day where my son goes over to his grandma's house so that I have a full day to work.  I am on conference calls, planning, implementing and allowing business to happen.

I do have to say that I love Wednesdays!

Anyways, I was reminded from the CD that the most important thing you can do to move you into the direction you want to go is to be take a look at how you are FEELING in the moment.   

When you are excited and having fun, you are in alignment with what you want.  Let's look at it in your situation.

What is it that you really want?  OK.  How are you feeling about it?  Does that thought of it make you feel excited and happy?  If so, you are moving towards it and everything that needs to fall into place for you to reach it is lining up.

What if you have this pit in your stomach and you feel uncomfortable?  Maybe you are feeling frustrated or even worried about what it is that you want.

When you are having those feelings that don't feel good to you then you can be sure that you aren't not aligning up with what you want.

I used to think that I needed to do whatever it was possible to make things happen.  What did that bring me?  Frustration, worry and even a little anger because what I wanted, wasn't showing up, no matter how hard I worked for it.  

It wasn't until I let go of the "always trying to do whatever it was possible to make things happen" syndrome that I grew up with, that I started to feel better.  Once I started to feel better, I noticed things would start to fall into place.  People would show up that would help me, conversations would happen that gave me the guidance I needed to move into the right direction.

I have to say that it took me a while to understand this and I am still learning!  Sometimes I will find myself pushing against what I want only to realize that I need to back off and FEEL better about it!  

Once you can do that, you are opening yourself up for greatness to occur!

Today, take the time to acknowledge how your are FEELING!  Don't you want to feel happy and enjoy life?  Well you should!  So what are you waiting for!  Start NOW to feel a little bit better!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Are Company Events Even Important To Go To When Building a Home Business?

If you are thinking of starting a home based business, one thing you might have heard throughout your introduction to the company, is that it is very important to go to company events, one in particular being Convention.

In the back of your mind, you might be saying, OK, that's great but I will see when the time comes. Maybe even cost and expenses enter your mind. I know, I used to tell myself those stories too.

Until I went to my first USANA Convention. It was amazing!

What are the benefits of attending your home based business Companies Convention?
(I am speaking from my experience.)

- Product knowledge. Every year we get to have some amazing trainings that pertain to certain products within the company as well as hearing about some amazing new products first hand and to get training on them too.

- Company knowledge. I have been reminded year after year how wonderful our company is and how it works. It is even better if you are able to visit and tour the company!

- Networking. I just love the fact that you get to meet face to face with wonderful people who run the operations part of the company but also work in the field. This is my favorite part because you get to connected with people who are at different stages in their business but you also get to network with the guys and ladies who work in the corporate office. Personally, since building my business through social media, I have made a lot of great friendships and this is the time to stop by and say hi, face to face!

- Self development. This is so important. Each year that I attend I am able to push myself to new limits. I uncover what maybe holding me back in certain areas and I learn how to move past them.

- Business training. No matter where you may be in your business, starting out or having been in business for years, you can always benefit from business training. How to be successful in the field, how to build a great team, how to move you forward and turn your business up a notch.

Whatever you need, you will find it at Convention!  Guaranteed.  

I have to say if you are still questioning whether this is the right next step for you, especially if it is to Attend the USANA International Convention, then this is the event YOU will WANT to attend!

So, to answer the question "Are company event even important to go to when building a home business" my answer is YES! You don't want to miss it!

You and your business will succeed and reach new levels when you attend events like Convention. Don't hesitate, get yourself and your business there!