Tuesday, July 27, 2010

My Prosperity Journey!

If you have been up to date with my last few blogs I have started doing the 40 day Prosperity Plan from The Abundance Book by Jonathon Randolph Price.

Today is Day 15 and it is going amazing!  I have got some great insight over these past few days.

Many people grow up with the belief that money isn't something that you have, it doesn't come easy or that you have to work REALLY, REALLY hard at it.

One thing I have learned is that whatever your beliefs maybe around money, they can be changed.  However, it does take time and work to change them.

That is what I really love about the 40 day plan!  You are learning how to change your beliefs around money.  Money isn't an object.  Money is not your supply.  It really is energy.  Many of us feel that money is what we need, money is everything.

In actuality, we need love, joy and happiness.  When we can reach that state of abundance within ourselves, then everything else will fall into place.

Take a look at your life now.  What is showing up for you on the outside.  Whatever that is, is a reflection of what is going on inside.  If you feel stuck, lost, having a hard time getting what you really want, then you need to change what you are telling yourself.  You need to change your beliefs about prosperity.  You need to start living your life with love and joy.

As you move into love and joy, you are moving into alignment with what you want.  Synchronicities will start to show up for you and move you and it will feel absolutely amazing how everything falls right into place.

Just remember, it takes work on your part to feel good.  The wonderful thing is you can start to feel good NOW!

I hope you have been living the 40 day plan too!  I would love to hear what is coming up for you!

To Your Success,


Rozlyn Warren said...

Hi, Stacy!

How true! The stories we tell ourselves are so powerful.

The tricky part is that most of these stories run as background...like programs on the computer that we don't even realize are running.

It is great that we have our EGS - Emotional Guidance System - when we feel 'bad' we can know a program that is no longer serving us is operating and when we feel 'good' we know our thoughts and beliefs are in line with who we really are! Simple, when you know how to manage your energy! I found having a great coach really helps!

I am looking forward to taking this 40 day journey - thanks for the recommendation.

Lean Toward Happy!
Rozlyn Warren, CHt, ESLC
Executive Producer & Host of
Leaning Toward Happy Radio Show

Stacy Stehle said...

Thank you for wonderful insight Roz! I love what you stated about the EGS - Emotional Guidance System. That is so true and a great indicator of where we are and where we are moving too!

I am excited to be on this journey with you and look forward to hear how it is going for you!

Much Love,