Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Sharing Your Thanks & Appreciation Increases your Energy!

It is almost that time of year, Thanksgiving!  A time when family and friends come together to give Thanks!  Why is giving Thanks and Appreciation so important?  Should we only be doing it once a year?

I wanted to share with you the answers in a video that I put together as part of a video series I do for my health coaching clients.  I feel this is so important for you to watch too so here ya go:

Please leave your comments below on how this resonates with you or share with us how you plan to or already incorporate this into your daily life!  It truly is one more key to helping you create an abundant life!

Image: Felixco, Inc. / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Thursday, November 18, 2010

How To Get Hit By A Wave of Clarity!

Have you ever felt so stuck when trying to do something and you just can't get any clarity to move you forward? 

Or even felt as if you were trying to make other people happy following what they had told you because they said, "it was the best for you?"

Both of these challenges were happening for me and I didn't realize that they were so linked together.  I was trying so hard to put together a project that I was working on with someone else but it wasn't working out.  It felt good and exciting at first and as time passed, I just couldn't see how I could actually help people reach their goals with the plan that we created together.

Instead of re-designing the plan, I was so focused on how to make "that plan" happen.  Keep in mind, no one was even interested in this plan.  I put it out there, shared it with people and their simply was NO interest.

Of course, I was also having a hard time telling this person who helped me that I just couldn't see the vision anymore.  It really didn't serve who I am here to help.

But then all of the sudden I got clarity again!

This clarity happened as an expense and end to a friendship, which wasn't initiated by me.

I was really taken back by the impact of this choice.  I couldn't believe that a friendship would be cut off and ended because I didn't see "it" in the same way.  As I look back on it, the Universe delivers and I am always amazed and surprised in the way it comes.

Once this challenge was out of my way, the clarity was unbelievable.  I instantly saw how I could move things around in the program and really give my clients a system that will help them reach their goals.  I am in the process of putting it together but it is so simply amazing!

The point to all of this is sometimes we need to clear out areas and even people in our life that are just holding us back by standing up for what you feel is in our best interest.

It may be hard and difficult to do or you can do what I did and not respond and let the Universe take care of it for you!

If you have been challenged by something and got through it, I would love to hear about it!  Leave your comments below!

Image: Salvatore Vuono / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Do you have a TEAM to move you forward?

For the past week I have been getting some intuitive hits.  For me it's a knowing or realization of something that comes to me.  It feels like an ah-ha moment or a light bulb going off in my head and I am saying to myself, "yes! That is so right!"

What came to me was how important team work and a TEAM is, in creating an abundant future especially through business.  I have to be quite honest, to create the healthy abundant future that you are looking for you need to team up, help each other to reach goals and also to leverage yourself.  

When I think of team,  team work and how this relates to the ocean, the dolphins and whales come to mind.  

I do have to say that what you put your attention on grows!  Because of my attention on team work I came across this great video of a pod of Humpback Whales in the open ocean working together as a team to hunt for food.  Check it out, it is amazing!  you will understand what I mean by team work!

Dolphins are very social animals living together in pods.  They stick together no matter what.  If one is injured or ill they never leave them.  How amazing is that.  One of the most intellectual animals on the planet.  We can clearly learn a lot from them.  

Why is a team so important in building your abundant future?
  • You are not alone 
  • It's a support system of people committed to helping you move through your challenges, as well as you helping others
  • Brainstorm - it's better when you can pool your ideas and bounce idea's off of others
  • Honesty and Trust - they will help you to move past barriers to reach your goals
  • Energy - for a lot of people just being in the energy of people who share the same interests and goals helps you to raise your energetic vibration and to feel even better!
If you aren't helping other people succeed and reach their goals, YOU will never reach yours!  

I can't wait to hear from you, leave your comments down below!  Do you have a team to help you build your abundant future or are you swimming in the ocean all by yourself?  How is it working for you?

Image: renjith krishnan / FreeDigitalPhotos.net