We are about half way through the first month in 2009! Everyone starts the year with New Year Resolutions. By the 3rd day, most people are back to their regular habits and have broken their resolutions.
I don't know about you, but I feel that this is the year of CHANGE. I love my myself, my family, my friends but I know that my life can be better! I WANT better! I am really big on positive thoughts, affirmations and believing that YOU create YOUR life. If something needs to change in your life, then it has to start with YOU!
Change is hard, it is tough. If it were easy, then don't you think everyone would do it? The first place to start is by giving GRATITUDE! If you start with that in the morning, you will notice that your day will be enjoyable. Use gratitude throughout your day. When your head hits the pillow at night, be thankful for all you have and all you will have.
It is also easier to take little steps to changing your life. For instance, if your looking to improve your health....make better eating choices, add some exercise into your week or start by taking a good nutritional supplement. You don't have to eliminate all the bad things at once. My making these small steps you can work toward making bigger steps as you go.
Another thing to do is make GOALS! Some might think, yeah but I never stick to them. I don't want to set goals because I don't want to fail. Don't worry! Goals are there as stepping stones to get you to where you want to be. Something to strive for. Start small, again and set a goal that is easy for you to obtain but also pushes you just a little bit out of your comfort zone. If you don't hit your goal within the period of time, re-adjust and re-focus. That is what goals are about. You also want to see your goal as if you have already accomplished it and achieved it.
Lastly, you need a POSITIVE SUPPORT SYSTEM. Hang around the people that make you happy. Not the ones that bring you down, put you down or put you in a bad place. Let other's know what you want to accomplish and if they are willing to go the way with you and help you...those are the people you want to be around.
Live your life the way you want. If you want change, it is up to YOU! New Year's Resolutions are about change. You can do it.
If you recently lost focus, start with gratitude, re-adjust your goals and find your positive support system!
For those who are determined to change their lives and have continued to stay focus, I congratulate you! Way to go!!!
This is the year to SHINE!