Saturday, December 13, 2008

12 Week Lifestyle Challenge!

With the New Year just around the corner, one might already be thinking about their New Year's Resolution.

I know for a lot of people they want to be healthier in 2009! They may also want to increase their income...looking into new opportunities. Maybe even shed a few pounds or just get back the energy that they used to have when they were younger.

I am here to let you know if you are thinking of any of the above, you are in the right place. I am going to shed some light. =)

I am putting together a team of people who would like to take the 12 week Lifestyle Challenge.

This is about regaining control over your life and not turning back. This program will start up during the beginning weeks of the January.

What is it? What do I need to do?

It is very easy and simple. I find if it is simple, people like to do it and stay on track!

1st: Start by watching this short video that will introduce you to RESET!

2nd: What are you going to do after the RESET?

Transform your body to continue to lose weight and meet your health goals.


Maintain your weight and healthy habits!

3rd: Buddy up with a friend or loved one to help each other to reach your health goals!

4th: Ask me how to get started!

After the 12 week Challenge, you will look and feel better. You'll be a walking billboard for health and other's are going to be asking you how you did it!

I look forward to helping you find the new YOU in 2009!

To Your Health!
Stacy Stehle

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Get your downline over the fear of talking to people!

I've got a solution for you - a solution that is going to help you and your team members in a BIG way, to get over the fear of talking to people.

And you can get the solution right now for free, by listening to my November/December Training Call, which I just put on my website.

Fear is actually one of many mannerisms that can give you a flunking grade when it comes to talking to people.

If you are nervous, or you talk too fast, or you sound rehearsed, or you can't make eye contact...well, let's be honest here. If you do any of these things, your prospects have a really hard time listening to what you say.

That's why I spent more than an hour on this training call, sharing the details that will teach you how to get over fear and other major obstacles that cause network marketers to get sweaty palms, lose their train of thought, and forget what to say.

On this recorded training you will discover:

• The seven things that will help prospects understand you better and follow your communication easily.

• How to completely get over the fear of talking to people. I even share my own personal journey of what I did to stop fear from ruining my presentations.

• The one essential thing I do that makes or breaks a professional presentation.
And don't forget to catch the BONUS material which includes:

• My recommendations to Mike, who promotes A LOT but doesn't have a very good sign-up ratio. Listen in as I help debug his prospecting challenges.

• My advice given to Talak, who uses a voice mail system for leads. Plenty of leads call the number but very few leave messages. Listen in as I give my input to help Talak get better results.

Plus six other bonus conversations, addressing current challenges that network marketers just like you deal with on a daily basis. They are not to be missed!

Listen to the call here:

Committed to your success,

Tim Sales

Monday, December 1, 2008

Start Your New Year's Resolution TODAY!!

You can't deny it but a lot of people every year want to lose weight, gain energy, become healthier! Some people start off strong and then by the first week they are back into their old habits. How can you break the cycle? How can you change your life for the better?

The key for you may be RESET!

This is a lifestyle change...NOT a DIET. Diet's don't work!

RESET is a 5 day fiber cleanse that uses food to jump start you into loosing the high carb and sugar cravings. The shakes and bars are low glycemic, they will not spike your blood sugar and they fill you up! Learn how to feed your body with the nutrition it needs to run effectively.

Learn more about it: RESET Your Life!

To Your Health!

Stacy Stehle